Born to revolution.

A Culture Manifesto by Fabio Roma, Founder & CEO •


GaltAI's mission is to accelerate the development of AI.

We are a mission-driven company aspiring to scale AI systems and will obsessively dedicate our time and resources to this pursuit.


Our vision is to create the foundations and building blocks for great AI systems.

We envision a world where AI is no longer a competitive advantage but a fundamental necessity for survival. Since the building blocks of every great machine learning algorithm is high-quality data, we are dedicated to building the foundations that enables every business worldwide to leverage their proprietary data to create its own unique AI systems.


We are looking for the overachievers — the special few who want to put a dent in this world. We are not looking for candidates seeking to minimize their workload or maximize compensation. There are plenty of high paying, cushy jobs out there — that’s not what we stand for. Our culture is deliberately cultivated to amplify high performance and to push ourselves to operate at the best of our ability every day. This is our culture. If you believe in our values, you`ll are likely to thrive in GaltAI. If not, then GaltAI is not the place for you.

  1. Obsession

    Hyperfocus on the mission

    Our mission, products and focus are the same. We're making the building blocks for AI systems are deeply obsessed with it. Everything else is secondary.

  2. Just like magic

    Magicians always win.

    Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Magic enables great experiences. Great experiences drives habits. Habits drives loyalty. Lowalty drives growth. Growth is our business.

  3. Born to revolution

    You have the power to do it.

    Reject, Questionize, Wonder, dream and execute. Follow your inner calling and be bold to bring your vision into the world. You have the power to do it. (even if that means failing in the short term).

  4. Embrace predictions

    Antecipate people’s needs.

    Antecipate people’s needs. They just don’t need faster horses.

  5. Reasoning from first principles

    Check your premises.

    Assume nothing. Everything is just a recommendation. Boil down the premises until reach the fundamentals and build it up from there.

  6. Hustle harder

    Harder, better, faster, stronger.

    Work it harder, make it better, Do it faster, makes us stronger. Great work never causes regret. Go for the extra mile

  7. Long Term Thinking

    Priorite long term sucess over short term reward.

    Our focus is on what we can achieve 5, 10, 20+ years from now, not the near-term wins.

Fabio Roma
Fabio Roma signature
Fabio RomaFounder & CEO